RICHARD BEATTIEEECS @ MIT, Class of 2025Building with software / hardware
  • Text Maze Generator
  • MIT, Cambridge
  • Dublin, Ireland


These are things I will potential come back to build / explore

  • Laser cut pasta
  • 3D printed ball bearings
  • Make a rocking chair
  • Build a large fire hydrant
  • 3D printing gumball machine
    • Would 3D print parts in their spheres and then drop them into the machine
  • Better way to laser cut joint things
    • It's painful to calculate thicknesses and kerf settings every time
  • Arc Lighter that plays music
  • DIY Epaper Smartwatch
  • Carcassone tiles that auto score
  • [[Floating lamp]]
  • Laser Cut Carousel
  • Self balancing robot
  • MultiColor 3D printer
  • Circuit board 3D printer
  • Chocolate 3D printer
  • Infinity Trax for marbles
  • Hexagon Table that lights up wherever it’s being touched
  • Fire extinguisher that squirts Mots Apple juice
  • [[Connect-Four Notebook]]
  • Teddy Bear thrower for Corey
  • Wearable ereader
  • BB-8 Droid
  • Geolocation using bluetooth for swarms
  • Swarm robotics platform with a nice API that makes it easier to send many commands / flash custom firmware / do location / do useful work.
  • Marble Clock
  • Robot controlled Connect Four
  • Piece that plays monopoly by itself
  • Suburu Duck Bluetooth speaker
  • Auto generate keys for locks
  • Intersection of minimal surfaces with 3D models
  • Lego Slicer - Turn 3D objects into Lego
  • 3D laser cutter
  • Kola Operation
  • E-Reader Glasses